Environmental Case Studies

Case Study

Recycling Initiative in New Zealand

The initiative was undertaken after identifying the need to recycle additional materials over and above the cardboard and plastic wrap recycling that was already in place in an effort to reduce waste to landfill amounts. 

The program was multi-faceted and targeted shoppers in the foodcourt as well as retailers throughout the centre.

The customer component of the trial was conducted over several stages, and involved reassessing the number of waste stations, the number and type of bins they held, staffing requirements and cleaning and collection processes. Before the trial launched, the food court was serviced by bins that were for landfill waste. These were replaced by bins dedicated to glass, plastic, liquid and landfill allowing for greater recycling to occur.

After piloting some different systems, the trial resulted in dedicated cleaning staff being assigned to waste stations to prevent contamination (or mingling of waste products) and the area was frequently serviced by roving cleaning staff: and the trial resulted in better efficiency through the process of cleaning the foodcourt; increasing the recyclable waste and reduction in landfill tonnage and associated costs; and a reduction in capital costs.

A later stage of the trial included the addition of food waste bins specifically for waste produce to be sent to a nearby worm farm. 

New Zealand’s Westfield Manukau achieved success in the reduction of waste following a trial that was implemented in centre during 2011.

Westfield Manukau also benefited from the unexpected savings that arose from the separation of liquid and food waste, due to significantly reduced drain cleaning costs that were previously generated by food and napkins mixed with liquid turning in pulp that blocked drains.  

The trial also introduced separate bins for retailers’ glass, plastic and food waste in addition to the landfill waste bins and the plastic-wrap and cardboard recycling that was already in place. The centre categorised retailers based on their waste requirements and ease of recycling, and once the new processes were put in place the impact was almost immediate. Within six months of the installation of the new bins 65% of retailers at Westfield Manukau were regularly recycling their waste. 

The centre team has continued to work closely with specific retailers to develop recycling and waste disposal programs that are conducive to their businesses but can maximise the centre’s recycling capabilities and ultimately reduce waste to landfill tonnage. Following the success achieved at Westfield Manukau, the Group intends to replicate the processes throughout the New Zealand portfolio.